Wednesday, December 28, 2005

To Do/Done

My plan is to do four hours of work each weekday, so I can hopefully have the weekend off. Wish me luck. And holler at me every time you see me on-line.

Update: I worked on filing stuff in binders. For three hours. I made a dent, but I would say I have another 5 hours left on that project alone. I can't do any more because I ran out of binders. *sigh* I guess I'll finish unpacking, do some of the random stuff on the list, and call it a day.

put wrapping paper away
go to bank
drop off drycleaning
put old teaching stuff (from workshops) in binders
file bills & other stuff on desk
grade lab reports
grade power point lab reports
plan 6th grade lessons - January
plan 7th grade lessons - January
plan weather & climate unit for late January/early February
call A.
call J.
call E.
finish sending Christmas New Year's cards & letters
call and arrange to pick up veggies from CSA
call/email W.
mail copy of Confratute bill to Region
talk to student about making up pretty much every assignment from the past 6 weeks
CD for E.
gift certificates for J., S.
email J.
set up account to access TRS on-line


Blogger Aunt Murry said...

Looks like you put a good dent into it. Keep up the good work!

3:55 PM  
Blogger Patti said...

4 hours a day? During vacation? I was wondering if 4 hours on one day was too much! I'm enjoying your blog. We have some similarities, most notably the same sugar cookie recipe and no TV.

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms Frizzle;

When you do weather and climate you may want to do a hurricane plotting lab. Hurricane Katrina. You could go to the National Hurricane Center or Unisys and go into archives. The students will learn latitude and longitude, knots to miles per hour, and time zones.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the midst of teaching weather to my 6th grade students. It has turned out to be my favorite unit so far. So far we made barometers and anenometers. Comparing our barometer readings to daily readings in the NYT to see if they are going in the same direction has proven to be a hit with the kids. I have to sit down and figure out where we will be going from here though. I look forward to hearing about how you cover weather.
Happy Holidays!

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too would love to finish the workload I have waiting for me at home. My plan was to spend many hours filing my papers and getting rid of clutter and marking papers. But the best laid plans have gone into sleeping in late. What a pleasure not to have to hear that alarm go off in the morning.

On another matter, I am glad the TWU now have medical coverage after they retire. And, they were able to keep the retirement age for all workers at 55. Women now have paid maternity leave and on top of that they got an extra holiday. If I recall, we lost 2 vacation days, work more hours, and lost the right to grieve letters. (and that's just a few of the givebacks). Maybe we need a new conductor for our union train.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except for evolution, meteorology (weather) is the most interesting science I teach. I teach my students how to plot a weather map and after some frustration, they manage to succeed. Further, I teach them why the sky is blue, why we have seasons (climate) AND WHAT CAUSES HURRICANES. The bottom line, the students can actually look at the weather channel and understand the weather map.

6:37 PM  

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