Monday, May 22, 2006

Türkçe, üç.

To use correct Turkish letters while using Safari, I go to "edit" and choose "special characters." I don't know if they're readable in all browsers, so I apologize if you've got gibberish.

I know the numbers 1-10 and the days of the week:

bir - one
iki - two
üç - three
dört - four
beş - five
altı - six
yedi - seven
sekiz - eight
dokuz - nine
on - ten

pazartesi - Monday
salı - Tuesday
çarşamba - Wednesday
perşembe - Thursday
cuma - Friday
cumartesi - Saturday
pazar - Sunday

That's all for tonight.

It was a bad day, but I don't want to talk about it here.


Blogger jonathan said...

pazar, I think, is from bazaar, or market day. And pazartesi must be the day after.

çarşamba and perşembe are from the Farsi words for 4 and 5.

(Probably worthless for most people, but for me trivia is glue that holds strange words together.)


9:04 AM  
Blogger Amerloc said...

Reads fine for me in Firefox. Big hugs for the effort you're making.

9:42 PM  
Blogger jonathan said...

Strange, I was reviewing russian days of the week yesterday. Thursday and Friday are çetverg, pjatnitsa, cognate with the Turkish pair çarşamba, perşembe.


6:36 AM  

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