Saturday, September 13, 2003

Write a paragraph answering the following questions. Would you like to sail to foreign countries? Why or why not? If so, which countries would you like to visit? Why?

"The limit I ever traveled was to South Carolina to reunite with my family that I haven't seen since I was five. Five Years old is a long time."

"I would go to Erat [Iraq] to see how they are living, After the war."

"It has been my dream to visit a rainforest but unfortunately I've only been seeing rainforests from the television."

"I never judge things before I know how they are. Just a couple of months ago, I tried out sushi. Before I tried it out, I did have this sort of icky feeling about trying out raw food. It turned out that I hate sushi like completely but still I tried it."

"I definitely wouldn't go because you can't play video games on a ship."

"I heard other countries don't respect girls or women."

"I would like to see and smell the fresh open sea."

"I would like to fly to a foreign place! But first guess what-where I want to go to. You will feel very, very cold. Well... Nope not Alaska! Antarctica! Wanna know why? Well, You know lots of scientists are trying lots of ways to find new animals, organisms, or life. So I would go to Antarctica, then I would try to find something never seen or discovered. Then I would give it to the scientists. They would study it and find out it's a new discovered animal. I would become famous and rich! See it all comes together!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r so funny.... lol... hope u'll get what u want... try malaysia.... it's a great country..once go there..

3:50 AM  

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