Thursday, May 06, 2004

Blogging After Midnight

I know that a certain segment of my audience likes my blog specifically because I DON'T complain about money or how hard I work, so y'all might want to stop reading now. Well, actually, I'm not planning on complaining, I just feel like logging where my time goes, 'cause I'm pretty darn tired right now and the horizon is only just in sight.....

It's midnight. In the last two days, I've graded 50 lab reports - with comments, a rubric, stickers, etc. - and 110 quizzes, and entered all the grades from the first half of Spring marking period into my computer to prepare progress reports, which I will fill out during the school day tomorrow. That's the horizon, the end of the progress reports.

Just over the horizon, I need to get my principal a list of science supplies to order (this has been on my to-do list since March, I swear, but keeps sliding to the bottom... now it's crunch time). I am going to try making my videotape for state certification (permanent) either tomorrow afternoon or Friday morning (probably both so I can take the best version). Friday and Saturday, we're going on a staff planning retreat, and Sunday I have to do some big-time planning of my own now that I have a copy of the end-of-year calendar (half-days, field days, & the like all present and accounted for). I collected 110 homework assignments today, and will check another 110 tomorrow (I don't collect everything). There's a stack of papers on my floor a foot high, don't remotely know what to do with those! Anyone got a magic wand? No matter how cleverly I schedule and plan assignments, at some point I do have to collect them and grade them; there's no getting around that!

And next week or the week after, we will spend three afternoons interviewing prospective students for next year's incoming class... we're waiting on a list of students from the Region.

5:45 am is just around the corner... good night, Dear Reader.


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