Wednesday, January 26, 2005

long days

5:45 am wake up

8 am letting students enter the school building - emergency door duty since the teacher who normally does this was stuck in traffic

8:15-12:15 teaching and planning health lessons and putting together a calendar for the science expo

12:15 department chairs meeting

1:15 teaching

2:35-4:30 afterschool program

4:30-5:30 photocopying and cleaning desk

5:30 PTA meeting

7:00 pm leave school

8:30 arrive home

9:00 blog; write test on vertebrates, plan lessons on alcohol & peer pressure

10:30 iron clothes, shower, bed (except this is more realistically 11 or 11:30)

5:45 am wake up


Tonight was the first "real" PTA meeting we've ever had, because we just formed our PTA since we just became an official school this year. The meeting was disorganized, it started late, I was the only teacher present, and only about 6 parents were there. My principal was there as well, and 3 students. We talked for a long time about how to get more parents to attend. A lot of the flyers that we hand out never actually make it home, so even though two notices went out about this meeting, my guess is that many parents had no idea it was happening. So, for next time, we are going to call a lot of parents and remind them. Then we talked about fundraisers. They are going to do a Valentine's Day carnation sale, which was my idea and should be really fun (assuming it does not lead to catfights...). All the parents at the meeting are great, but the whole thing took a lot longer than it needed to. If they want parents to attend and to come back, they're going to need to tighten up the agendas.


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