The adventures of a science teacher in a small public middle school in the Bronx. Apologies to Joanna Cole and Bruce Degen, creators of the Magic School Bus series and the original Ms. Frizzle.
2. How is your school going to use the 37.5 minutes in February?
3. Can you teach your students how to graph the dependent and indepedent variables and what makes them dependent or independent. My high school students have no clue when I introduced them to graphing in Regents Earth Science.
4. My high school has an opening for a fulltime Living Environment (Biology) teacher, know anybody interested?
Hi Frizz. How about this? If you could say anything to the dean of the school of ed at a Research One, top 10, serious school of ed, what would you say? The new dean is a former teacher and VERY interested in improving the way teachers teach. She wants to build better teacher ed, better support for current teachers. She is very, very smart and really good at what she does.
I have a hunch she'll read this weblog on Wednesday morning sometime after 8:30am.
are you going to come visit soon?
not for a while, sorry! trying to save money for travels far, far away this summer.
My burning questions are:
1. When do we get our retroactive money?
2. How is your school going to use the 37.5 minutes in February?
3. Can you teach your students how to graph the dependent and indepedent variables and what makes them dependent or independent. My high school students have no clue when I introduced them to graphing in Regents Earth Science.
4. My high school has an opening for a fulltime Living Environment (Biology) teacher, know anybody interested?
Perhaps this is common and I'll feel silly posting it, if so. But in any case:
Dependent and Independent Variables -
Dependent Reponse Y axis
Manipulated Independent X axis
What are you actually manipulating or changing in the experiment? X Axis, Independent variable
I heard we were getting our retro $ in December before the break. I don't know if this rumor is true though.
How did you vote?
I havn't seen any pics lately. Especially of a certain cute cat! I like the new design however.
Is there anything good that comes out of the DOE?
Would your school change for the better or worse if all the educrat positions did not exist? It certainly would save the city a lot of money.
Do these educrats really think their jobs matter or are they just playing the part for a nice six figure salary?
I meant- How did you vote on the contract?
And what's the point of those funny looking letters I have to type in to post on these logs?
Do we get burning answers to our burning questions?
are you hot?
Hi Frizz. How about this? If you could say anything to the dean of the school of ed at a Research One, top 10, serious school of ed, what would you say? The new dean is a former teacher and VERY interested in improving the way teachers teach. She wants to build better teacher ed, better support for current teachers. She is very, very smart and really good at what she does.
I have a hunch she'll read this weblog on Wednesday morning sometime after 8:30am.
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