Sunday, May 01, 2005

The week ahead...

I agonized. I sat on the fence, on one side of me the prospect of a whirlwind tour of the human body and the basic basics of genetics and all by June 8 (TEST DAY), on the other side of me, taking it slow and not finishing everything. I sketched out what 8 weeks might look like if I tried to squeeze in at least a brief look at everything. I agonized. It just didn't seem fun. So I am back to the drawing board. I am slowing things down. I am going to teach a few things well, the test be damned.

Monday - the levels of organization in the human body (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems) and the four types of tissues (connective, epithelial, muscle, nerve). It's amazing how much of biology begins with naming stuff and putting it in categories.

Tuesday - introduction to digestion and the six basic nutrients (water, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins).

Wednesday - the process of digestion.

Thursday - we act out the process of digestion using pantyhose and sundry household objects.

Friday - soda can calorimetry to review energy and try to understand what a calorie really is. Note to self: do not get bogged down in the math.

To make up for all the stuff we are not going to cover, each student has to do a big (BIG) project on one of the systems of the human body that we are not doing in class. This will either help them stay focused for the last few weeks of school, or it will make them and me miserable. The latter is actually more likely, but since when has that stood in the way of a Major Project?


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