Monday, September 19, 2005

Funny and Telling...

Julie's kids wrote about careers they would and would not want to have. Some of the answers will make you giggle, others show some insight into how the world works, and as always, I wonder whether the kids who know how hard teachers have it are the ones making our job easier, or the ones making it harder!
"I would like to be a paleontologist. I want to be a paleontologist because they study dinosaurse and I lik dinosaurs. They are wealthy and they find new dinosaurs. Its thrilling and I get to travel the world. This is why I why I like to be a paleontologist."

Anyway, someone's doing something right, because most of the kids supported their choices with specific details, which is one of those Writing Things that middle school teachers are always pounding into their pens working on.


Graycie has started a blog, Today's Homework. It deserves special mention if for no other reason than because her profile contains this gem, which says perfectly what I have been trying to explain to people for going-on six years now...
Sometimes when someone asks what I do, I tell them that I am a professional grown-up. This also means that when I am not being professional, I don't have to be grown-up.


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