At long last...
We gave the Intermediate Level Science Exam written test last week, and Mr. Richter and I are staying after school for several (paid) hours to set up for the performance exam, so that we can administer it Wednesday and Thursday. So, essentially, it's been a full year, and I only now received last year's 8th grade test scores, through our School Report Card.
95% of my students passed with a 3 or a 4.*
(34% got a 4, 61% got a 3).
The other 3 students received scores of 2.
No one got a 1.
And I feel like I taught them real science - this wasn't the result of cramming. I am so, SO proud of my students, and myself.
(And by the way, this year, we're collecting information in such a way that we can compute the scores on our own and not have to wait a year).
*For those (perhaps mercifully) not in-the-know, 4 means "exceeding the standards," 3 means "meeting the standards," 2 means "needs extra help" or "approaching the standards," and 1 means "serious academic deficiencies" in this area.
Please consider donating something - even just $10 - to my BloggersChoose Challenge - to help other city science teachers bring science alive for their kids!
95% of my students passed with a 3 or a 4.*
(34% got a 4, 61% got a 3).
The other 3 students received scores of 2.
No one got a 1.
And I feel like I taught them real science - this wasn't the result of cramming. I am so, SO proud of my students, and myself.
(And by the way, this year, we're collecting information in such a way that we can compute the scores on our own and not have to wait a year).
*For those (perhaps mercifully) not in-the-know, 4 means "exceeding the standards," 3 means "meeting the standards," 2 means "needs extra help" or "approaching the standards," and 1 means "serious academic deficiencies" in this area.
Please consider donating something - even just $10 - to my BloggersChoose Challenge - to help other city science teachers bring science alive for their kids!
That is awesome. Congratulations.
/kneel in awe
(Please note: some of those are kinda tough for us of the four-legged persuasion)
That is so awesome!
That's amazing- congrats to you and to your students. Wow. 95%. Wow.
Tremendous. Awesome. Hot.
Yet more evidence that you are awesome. Congratulations!
Those lucky Turkish kids.
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